Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Uppity Negro State Senator In More Trouble

Source: Local6.

State Senta-nigger Gary Siplin, who is a CONVICTED NIGGER FELON who used state employees to work on his campaign on state time and was charged with grand theft, allegedly refused to move his SUV from a parking spot at a football game by a deputy FIVE TIMES. The uppity NIGGER Gary Siplin then THREATENED the officer, who was just doing his job, with "having his job" and asked to talk to the deputy's supervisor when the NIGGER did not get his way for being an elected official.

You can really get a good understanding of Nigger Siplin by looking at the picture on the article. He's a clean cut Nigger who dresses up like typical Nigger by wearing wannabe pimp clothes or typical clothes you see on a Nigger walking out of Sunday church services.

Thank God an Orange County deputy, acting as a private citizen, outraged over this and filed a complaint with the Florida Ethics Commission for his behavior. Hopefully, the Nigger will be fined and forced to leave office, but I totally believe the NAACP will be running to his side by claiming this whole incident is over alleged "racism".

If this happens, I am more than ready to use all my resources and call in for help to get this Nigger out of office and to DESTROY THE ORANGE COUNTY NAACP BY EXPOSING THEM AS A CORRUPT ORGANIZATION WHO DEFENDS SAVAGE NIGGER BEHAVIOR. Not only is he a Nigger, he is a corrupt Nigger with no regard for a deputy simply doing his job. Just because some fellow Niggers elected you into office does not excuse you to be above the law.


Story about Nigger Siplin jumping over a fence to a waiting car to hide from reporters after he was charged with the previous crimes of grand theft and using state employees on state time to run his personal campaign.

Nigger is as Nigger does, plain and simple. This just shows how this Nigger truly acts and thinks. Does anyone else know of a story of an elected official going through this much trouble to avoid reporters? Normally, a SANE person would take the opportunity to tell reporters his side of the story, but a guilty person would normally toss a jacket over their head to avoid camera men, but this Nigger decided to scale a fence to avoid reporters. LOL YOU DUMB NIGGER.


Jason h said...

Hey! i'm going to cali this sunday.. gonna be there for a week, this is the site i was talking about where i made the extra cash. later!

MikeeUSA said...

In my opinion you are racist.
You should move to virginia because florida is part of the North now (we sent all our old people to take over your part of the south). Do you like losing your state?

When the south was the south you could get young wives there, now it's law that they must be 16 or 18 (rather then the old 12 or 14 laws). There is no more south. You have been defeated. The North has won and made your women hate you even by teaching them women's rights. Do you like this. Are you going to do anything about it?

Women's Rights is bad for Men.

Anonymous said...

Jesus loves you, and he saves. However if you want to go to Heaven, you must not be hateful my brother. You must love all.

Anonymous said...

How can you say you hate? How can you still have learned nothing from your father's father, and his father before him?

Kayla's_Mommy said...

I love you. I love you because you are my brother in Christ.

Anonymous said...

F I N A L L Y someone not afraid to speak the TRUTH. There is ABSOLUTELY a BLACK CRIME EPIDEMIC in ORLANDO. Niggers are destroying this city and everyone is so afraid to state the real cause of the crime problem. NIGGERS. Niggers have always been raping, robbing and killing in their own slums - pine hills etc. But now they are migrating out of those areas into predominantly WHITE strongholds. METROWEST in SW Orlando is experiencing a nigger invasion the likes of which have never been seen before. And you are seeing the results - the monkeys are raping, robbing, shooting and killing everywhere. There used to be a time when you would NEVER even see a nigger around the Metrowest country club. It once was actually an upscale white area. Years ago it was nothing but WHITE urban professionals out walking their dogs, jogging and just enjoying life. Now all you see is nigger after nigger walking down the street. The 7-11 by the country club is ground zero for their advanced base camp. And there is no stopping them. Now they are starting to move towards Windermere into WHITE areas. Windy Ridge Elementary School is surrounded by predominantly upper income WHITE residents who live in higher end homes - $700k + yet the school is 25% BLACK!!! WHY? They are busing the nigger monkeys in from Tangelo Park and other nigger havens. I know a family that lived in a $1 M home in that area. Their son was in 1st grade and the parents weren't very happy that nearly 50% of his class were low income blacks bused in from surrounding slums. They finally had it when one day the son came home "rappin" saying mutha f_cka this and mutha f_cka that. They pulled their kids out of Windy Ridge and now pay $10,000 a year per kid to send them to predominantly WHITE private schools. Now I'm told they don't have a single nigger in the class. The great exclusive WHITE area of WINDERMERE is also under attack and being surrounded. On the back side of Windermere bordering Winter Garden, developers have taken PRIME land and developed "townhomes from the $150s" which is attracting niggers faster than a FREE fried chicken feast.

Now Orlando Police Department has a new SHE-BOON police chief. Do you honestly think she is going to crack down on the heavy crime black areas?? Just the opposite - they will get a pass. The INSANITY of political correctness and multicultural bullshit is they actually try to keep a "balance" to the arrest statistics to cover up the overwhelming % of black crime. It is absolute madness in the land of Mickey Mouse.

Anonymous said...

I find all of your "statistical" information quite amusing and seriously disturbing, due to the fact that in all of your comments, there is mention of everything concerning, blacks, monkeys, She-boons, Niggers etc, but absolutely no mention whatsoever of Whites, crackers, red-necks,or as you call yourselves white trash,you see even you have these degrading publicly and privately used names most of which you even call your selves, even I as an African American / Black female have heard and do not have to use these words to describe the issues that you as a "people" have ..There is no talk of the pedophilia epidemics all over the Fl and who is the primary culprit in these instances? Whites. What race is the primary culprit in murdering their pregnant wives. Did you ever stop to think about the heinous crimes commited by your own race? Eating people, killing and or eating your parents, Mall shooting sprees, Bombings killing all of your children in one setting,one at a time or all at once. your own wives pay people to kill YOU...and guess who they oftentimes pay to do it?? Sit and think on this in order to come up with the answer to that one sweetie. Who is on My Space soliciting sex with little girls AND boys,,,, wait a minute .. not all of these crimes are commited by the economically deficient whites. Some of these people are in OUR school systems. The Teachers are taking your childrens virginity.. at 14 and having babies from them too. or what about the coaches and karate teachers that are taking your childrens innocence by fondling and or having sex with them just before dropping them off to your homes day after day . Who gets so angry after they lose their jobs they go and get high powered assault weapons to annihilate unsuspecting co workers.. Did you even ask who the serial killers are and who are they murdering???Give me the answers to that for $300, Alex. Who is it that said " I like killing people so much because it's fun" I'll give you a clue he is WHITE . You see what you all fail to understand is that crimes are not racial issues they are spiritual issues and like it or not the Bible says that there is no Good that will go unrewarded and no Bad that will go unpunished. The sad things is everything you posses is on the inside and not the material possesions on the outside ..You cant take it with you when you are gone no matter how much you think you posses, and the Bible also says that The Earth and the fullness thereof belongs to God .. Instead of acknowledging your own illnesses.. Cause even you who type these ridiculous commments are struggling with evil practices within your own selves every one of you needs to be set free from these things, that only God and you, and maybe a select few even know about. You lack love for yourself as well as others. You sit in Churches and donate lots of money still you have hatred in your hearts . The Bible says that "They love me with their lips and there hearts are Far from me . You cannot accept the truth because YOU have allowed satan to fill your hearts with unforgiveness, hatred,and idolotry. You are slothful,and suffer from drunkeness,orgies, homosexuality and the like. You want to be accepted but are outcasts. You blame society for the things that go on in the world when you yourselves are major contributors. Why are things the way they are well like the Bible says all these things must happen in order for Him to return I pray that you are not found naked and ashamed. The Problem is a deeply rooted problem ,when the Bible came out of the schools and homes and marriages etc these problems became more severe. Remember you hypocritical Bible Scholar, "Except the Lord build this house, They that labor labor in vain.. So send your children to the 410,000 a year schools it is not the blacks or hispanics or Jews that are after you your freedom or your children . It is Satan. and you give him access to you and your children by way of your evil God hating practices, the company you keep the things you allow your children to posses, the lack of guidance on your parts and the lack of the word of God.. Yes if you dont put something in that void which is why they are killing themselves and others something else will find its way there and Trust it will, sadly by that time you will realize it was you that opened the door for it and God that will have to close the door for you. " Without Me Ye can do nothing" - Jesus There is a whole lot that ails not just whites or blacks but all of society. I couldnt imagine something so ridiculous to cause me to end up in Hell for an eternity. Not all whites are criminals and not all Blacks are either ..These communities are not YOUR COMMUINITIES..Everything is God's.. Did you not learn that you have no control of nothing from 9/ 11? How sad ?? Get your selves together..I feel great sadness that my children have to live in a world so sad and sick. Things are not getting better they are getting worse. ..I pray that one day soon you will come to the conclusion that you are wrong about life altogether. God put you here to learn HOW to love yourself as well as others...Then you will be able to love Him that created you,, The Bible also says , " How can you love someone you have not seen and hate the one you do see?" until then you are lost and you lead others astray as well there is an accountability that one has and you have dropped the ball, God will punish all those who lead others astray> This whole Nation is in trouble and it has nothing to do with Color.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.