Monday, July 16, 2007

Jackie Brown is Dead. HOORAY.

Source: News4Jax.

Jackie Brown, an uppity Negress, used her spare time to rile up the lolocal Negros claiming they're not receiving equal treatment and opportunities. She dressed up like Aunt Jemima, attended the Duval County City Council Meeting, and was subsequently EJECTED and BANNED from the meetings. She PUSHED a police officer trying to eject her from the meeting and was NOT ARRESTED.

I would so love to disrupt her funeral to cause a very epic chimp out.


Anonymous said...

when Obama becomes president u wont b laughin'

Anonymous said...

To not like someone based on the color of their skin is a sin. You'll get what's coming to you. Do you get off by calling people names? You cracker, white trash, Honkey! Doesn't feel too good does it?

niggers smell said...

You're not really "White" because you would have pride in your race, you nitwit.

What are your thoughts on the Jena 6?

Anonymous said...

I think that there was racial tension in the school that built up, a white kid called a black kid the N* word, and he got jumped. He was only in the hospital for a day. I hardly think that constitutes attempted murder. And I'm no more a nitwit than you are, you brainwashed idiot. I can have pride in my race without showing hatred to another just because of the color of their skin. Duh!

niggers smell said...

Jena 6 mentioned on MTV's website that said the following:

- The "Whites only" tree is a myth.
- There were numerous instances of nooses in the past and they were
removed after Negros were playing with them, including putting the
nooses around their neck as a joke.
- Mychael Bell, the head animal, was not an honor student, just had
high grades and was on probation for 2 prior battery charges.
- The students involved in the noose prank were sent to an alternative school for a month then after that was done, they were brought back to
serve 2 weeks in-school suspention.
- Blacks summoned for jury duty never showed up, therefore thats why there was an all White jury.

I believe a 6 on 1 fight constitutes atleast mob assault charges because that is not a fair fight.

What say you?

Anonymous said...

Are you only having this discussion with me because I told you I am white? It's just interesting. In any event, I agree that it was an unfair fight, but they do not deserve to be charged with attempted murder. Where is the evidence and sources linked up with what is claimed on the mtv site? Which mind you is not always a taken seriously source (mtv). You must be a kid huh?

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I'm sorry you're a kid. LOL!!! I mean sorry for assuming as much. Did you see the photos of the white kid? He only had a black eye. If he was stomped on, he would have alot more injuries than that. (I should know, my husband is getting his Masters in Forensics). Thanks for the semi compliment on my IQ, being that I am actually black.

Anonymous said...

I'm also sorry that you feel the need to be so degrading.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! OMG you really are ignorant. My husband is a well educated black man. Getting his Masters degree in forensics. Personally, white guys don't appeal to me, unless they are Brad Pitt or Mathew Maconahey. The fact remains, that most racist white guys are not that attractive. I would appreciate it if you refrained from using that N* word, unless you want me calling your race names.

Kayla's_Mommy said...

Jesus loves you both. I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Constance. Hey man, you never even responded to the truth about the white guy only having a black eye. You should apologize for calling me names, and I will apologize just the same.