Saturday, June 23, 2007

Local Nigger Whining

I usually don't watch the LOLocal news, however I must have left the TV on. I overheard a story about someone from Orange Park complaining about purchasing eggs to consume and they were pissed off a undeveloped chick was inside the egg. Naturally, when I hear about whining like this, I immediately expect a Jew, a nigger, or a Jew-Nigger hybrid.

I was right. A nigger. An ugly she-boon. She took the eggs back to Wal-Mart, was pissed nobody talked to her for an hour, and she had to call the store to talk to a manager. At the store, they offered her a refund, but she didn't want it. She just whined and whined. She whined so much she got on FOX 30 News at 10pm. Her response "I DIDN'T WAN NO MONEY I JUS WAN TELL YA'LL BOUT YO EGGZ IN YO STO'". Yeah right nigger, you were hilarious trying to play victim on the local news. Thank you for making me laugh with your nigger antics so hard I almost stopped breathing.

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