Saturday, December 8, 2007

Denise Lee

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Uppity Negro State Senator In More Trouble

Source: Local6.

State Senta-nigger Gary Siplin, who is a CONVICTED NIGGER FELON who used state employees to work on his campaign on state time and was charged with grand theft, allegedly refused to move his SUV from a parking spot at a football game by a deputy FIVE TIMES. The uppity NIGGER Gary Siplin then THREATENED the officer, who was just doing his job, with "having his job" and asked to talk to the deputy's supervisor when the NIGGER did not get his way for being an elected official.

You can really get a good understanding of Nigger Siplin by looking at the picture on the article. He's a clean cut Nigger who dresses up like typical Nigger by wearing wannabe pimp clothes or typical clothes you see on a Nigger walking out of Sunday church services.

Thank God an Orange County deputy, acting as a private citizen, outraged over this and filed a complaint with the Florida Ethics Commission for his behavior. Hopefully, the Nigger will be fined and forced to leave office, but I totally believe the NAACP will be running to his side by claiming this whole incident is over alleged "racism".

If this happens, I am more than ready to use all my resources and call in for help to get this Nigger out of office and to DESTROY THE ORANGE COUNTY NAACP BY EXPOSING THEM AS A CORRUPT ORGANIZATION WHO DEFENDS SAVAGE NIGGER BEHAVIOR. Not only is he a Nigger, he is a corrupt Nigger with no regard for a deputy simply doing his job. Just because some fellow Niggers elected you into office does not excuse you to be above the law.


Story about Nigger Siplin jumping over a fence to a waiting car to hide from reporters after he was charged with the previous crimes of grand theft and using state employees on state time to run his personal campaign.

Nigger is as Nigger does, plain and simple. This just shows how this Nigger truly acts and thinks. Does anyone else know of a story of an elected official going through this much trouble to avoid reporters? Normally, a SANE person would take the opportunity to tell reporters his side of the story, but a guilty person would normally toss a jacket over their head to avoid camera men, but this Nigger decided to scale a fence to avoid reporters. LOL YOU DUMB NIGGER.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jackie Brown is Dead. HOORAY.

Source: News4Jax.

Jackie Brown, an uppity Negress, used her spare time to rile up the lolocal Negros claiming they're not receiving equal treatment and opportunities. She dressed up like Aunt Jemima, attended the Duval County City Council Meeting, and was subsequently EJECTED and BANNED from the meetings. She PUSHED a police officer trying to eject her from the meeting and was NOT ARRESTED.

I would so love to disrupt her funeral to cause a very epic chimp out.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Jury Acquits Man Who Shot 3 Beaners


Justice served and thank God for our "self-defense" law in our state. Hopefully it'll take more trash like this off the streets because it ultimately gives the citizens the power to legally EXECUTE savage non-White career criminals. These two dead beaners and the one who got wounded will NEVER pull a stunt like they did EVER again because they have learned the hard way to fear the White man.

Teens Rape Woman, Force Her Son To Have Sex With Her

Source: Local6.

I don't know too many Whites by the name of "Avion". This story made me absolutely fucking SICK to my stomach. A woman and her son minding their own business, then some savages come inside their house to brutalize her. Don't these savages have family? A mother? Would they want a female member of their family brutalized in this manner? Absolutely not.


If ANY of you TOUCH, HARASS, INTIMIDATE, or otherwise do ANYTHING to ANYONE I care about, you will be on the receiving end of the most BRUTAL PUNISHMENT that I can think of. I could take you out in the woods and put a bullet into your head like an animal. That's too easy. I might beat your feet with a hammer or baseball bat then force you to stand on your feet by suspending you by your wrists with a steel cord from the ceiling. You can either put enormous pressure on your wrists trying to support your weight on your wrists or handle your torture by standing on your bruised feet.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Nigger Logic

In response to my post on "Nigger Bloggers".

Jasmyne I really think you should contact the police and the authories about some of these racist comments on your blog. The comments are so offensive and deleterious. Also, I believe there are laws against Cyber bullying. This person "Shut Up Already" is a serious problem. As are the other racist comments on the board. I hope you contact the police and the authorities.

LOL Why don't they just call the NAACP on me? So Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton show up to my house to arrest me for crimes against the Negro people?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Florida State Song Racist? Some Think So.

Source: Local6.

State senator Anthony "Tony" Hill, from Jacksonville, is stirring up racial tension in our fine state. Apparently, someone got the idea of a song adopted as our state song back in 1935 is "racist" because it alludes to plantation life. So fucking what. Big fucking deal. Race-baiters like Hill are parasites on our society. I called Mr. Hill, who has an office at 5600 New Kings Road Suite 5 in Jacksonville, Florida and left him a voicemail. He can be contacted at (904) 924-1646 or 1-866-867-0289.

I think some authentic Southerners should show up to Hill's offices on New Kings Road and hold a protest to show him how we feel about this issue. Below is the LYRICS to this ALLEGED "RACIST" song. (Source).

The Swanee River
(Old Folks at Home)
Written by Stephen C. Foster

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
Far, far away,
Dere's wha my heart is turning ebber,
Dere's wha de old folks stay.
All up and down de whole creation
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for de old plantation,
And for de old folks at home.


All de world am sad and dreary,
Eb-rywhere I roam;
Oh, darkeys, how my heart grows weary,
Far from de old folks at home!

2nd verse

All round de little farm I wandered
When I was young,
Den many happy days I squandered,
Many de songs I sung.
When I was playing wid my brudder
Happy was I;
Oh, take me to my kind old mudder!
Dere let me live and die.

3rd Verse

One little hut among de bushes,
One dat I love
Still sadly to my memory rushes,
No matter where I rove.
When will I see de bees a-humming
All round de comb?
When will I hear de banjo strumming,
Down in my good old home?

Wow. Just because it has Darkeys and Plantation in the song means it's "racist"? Fucking hilarious. Go ahead to petition the Amelia Island Plantation, White Oak Plantation and any hotel/business/street/whatever with the word "Plantation" in it to correct the alleged wrongs committed by Whites against Blacks. You can also contact the Florida Music Educators' Association at 1-800-301-3632 because they are holding the contest to find finalists to submit to the Senate to change the song or keep it the same. I personally called the FMEA and played Johnny Rebel's "Still Looking For a Handout".

I seriously hope they pick my song.

Negro Cop Admits To Killing His White Baby Momma


How will all you race-haters on Topix handle this? Just shift the blame elsewhere. Blame society for making him a savage Negro animal.

Fitty Scents Whines About Child Support

Source: Local6.

Tired of paying $25k/mo to yo baby momma? Just take care of it Bobby Cutts Jr style. Or get a job at Wal-Mart so she can only take about maybe $250/mo you idiot. Take responsibility for your actions instead of whining. She's just going to take more of your money and I will laugh.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Forum about the Missing Ohio Pregnant Woman

I am trolling the forum as "Pedro". Read from the start until the end to appreciate what I have been doing.

Just another example of a White woman gone wrong with a degenerate Black man with a history of domestic violence. How could this man still be a police officer with previous instances of domestic violence and the incident where he allowed his ex-felon drug dealing cousin to borrow a person vehicle of his that had a concealed weapon inside of it.

I just know this man is guilty. Not because of the color of his skin, but the way he acts. He does not genuinely act like he is sympathetic for the mother of one of his many children. He has "Scott Peterson" syndrome. In the media, he only cares about himself, makes statements about how he feels and completely ignores the fact that the mother of his child is missing. I hate to say it, but when he is found guilty and the evidence proves it, I will be shouting I TOLD YOU SO as loud as I can from the tallest building.

Local Nigger Whining

I usually don't watch the LOLocal news, however I must have left the TV on. I overheard a story about someone from Orange Park complaining about purchasing eggs to consume and they were pissed off a undeveloped chick was inside the egg. Naturally, when I hear about whining like this, I immediately expect a Jew, a nigger, or a Jew-Nigger hybrid.

I was right. A nigger. An ugly she-boon. She took the eggs back to Wal-Mart, was pissed nobody talked to her for an hour, and she had to call the store to talk to a manager. At the store, they offered her a refund, but she didn't want it. She just whined and whined. She whined so much she got on FOX 30 News at 10pm. Her response "I DIDN'T WAN NO MONEY I JUS WAN TELL YA'LL BOUT YO EGGZ IN YO STO'". Yeah right nigger, you were hilarious trying to play victim on the local news. Thank you for making me laugh with your nigger antics so hard I almost stopped breathing.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Nigger Bloggers

They're fucking hilarious. Example.

Opio Sokoni

Reading material: Opio Sokoni.

This nigger needs to keep his mouth shut. Bill O'Reilly allowed him to come on his show to talk about black crime being covered up by the media, but he took the easy way out (I call it the nigger's way out) by blaming homosexuals, "Whitey", and everyone else for the nigger's problems. He said that "there were incidents at gay pride parades where gays expose themselves to children. This might be true, however when O'Reilly allows you to come on his show, I would think the smart person would come there with all their best punches to appeal to his nationwide audience.

Nope that big ugly baboon sat there with his Leonard Pitts grin while the white woman was going absolutely wild over this nigger's antics. Anyways, if you feel like giving Opie a call, 1-360-241-1414. It's his Sprint Cell phone. You can send him text messages via Sprint's site if you would care to do so. Also, many people do not know it, but if he has AOL instant messenger on his phone, send an instant message to +13602411414 and if it's on, you will get a reply. You do not even have to know his screen name, it goes DIRECTLY to his phone.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Degenerate Sodomite Queer Captured

Source: News4Jax.

A queer accused of murdering a man in an alley is also accused of sexually assaulting a homeless man. Michael Small, a registered sex offender, is accused of tying up the homeless man's hands behind his back and also the man he murdered in the alley also had his hands tied up.

Why can't we exterminate the ills of our society? Why was Michael Small allowed to roam on the streets? A majority of our sexual offenders are queer perverts who do not deserve to live in the same society as we do. They should be forced to move to San Francisco or Key West to live in giant queer compounds guarded by huge concrete walls topped with razor wire where they can rape each other up the ass, engage in group orgies and whatever things queers like to do. This would save our children and we would not have a sex offender problem anymore.

A better solution would be to allow the parents of a molested child to beat the shit out of him before he was taken to trial. Can't we get some sympathetic police officers who care about children to take the queer out into the woods, tie him around a tree and be smacked around like he deserves? A queer sex offender will always offend again much like a criminal. These people have been doing this their whole lives and they know nothing better to do.